Ond ofer ceisio gwynfyd llawn

1,2,3,(4,5);  1,3,6.
(Dymuniad am y nef)
Ond ofer ceisio gwynfyd llawn,
Can's gwynfyd perffaith
    byth nis cawn,
  Nes cyrhaedd at ein Prynwr pur,
  A sengu ar y sanctaidd dir.

'Does dim o gylch yr awyr fry,
Neu ynte oddeutu'r ddaear ddu;
  Dim, f'enaid,
      dim a lona ddyn;
  Neu dâl ei garu ond Duw ei hun.

Ond teimlo ei hedd a'i fywiol ras,
Yw'r nefoedd sy ar y ddaear las;
  A'm nefoedd fyth
      yn nef y nef,
  Fydd edrych yn ei wyneb Ef.

Pa'm saif fy oriau draw mor bell,
Cy'd, O fy Nuw, o'm dinas well?
  Hollted yr wybr fry uwch ben,
  I nodi'm ffordd i'r nefoedd wen.

Fy Nuw, tôr y llinynau hyn,
A'm cadwant wrth y clai mor dŷn;
  Rhyw angel cryf cymmered fi,
  I'm harwain tua'r nefoedd fry.

Pan ddysgwyf 'nabod
    iaith y wlad,
A phur ganiadau tŷ fy Nhad;
  Dechreuaf gân
      am farwol glwy,
  Na chlywir dîwedd
      arni mwy.
William Williams 1717-91 Tonau [MH 8888]:
Green's (<1811)
Magdalene (<1835)

gwelir: 'Does dim o gylch yr awyr fry

(Wishing for heaven)
It is only vain to seek full blessedness,
Since perfect blessedness
    we may never have,
  Until arriving at our pure Redeemer,
  And standing on the sacred land.

There is nothing about the sky above,
Nor ever around the black earth;
  Nothing, my soul,
      nothing that cheers man,
  Or holds his love, but God himself.

But feeling his peace and his lively grace,
Is the heaven that is on the green earth;
  And my heaven forever
      in the heaven of heaven,
  Shall be to look upon his face.

Why do my hours stand so far off,
So long, O my God, from my better city?
  Let firmament up above be cleft,
  To mark my way to bright heaven.

My God, cut these strings,
That are keeping me so tightly to the clay;
  Let some strong angel take me,
  To lead me towards the heavens above.

When I learn to recognise
    the language of the land,
And pure songs of my Father's house;
  I shall begin a song
      about a mortal wound,
  The end of which shall
      nevermore be heard.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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